Fab Shop Hop

FabShop Hop

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday      October 16, 2014

Its been a long time, again, and again life, or "things" had taken over.

Part of the "things" was an actual Quilt Retreat with The Quilt Pattern Magazines
group under it called   Pattern Pastiche.

Check out their site:  http://www.quiltpatternmagazine.com/

My involvement with the Retreat will come later, first:

I must brag on the Site where we had the Retreat:  Capon Springs & Farms, Capon Springs,
W. V.
Main buildings were built in 1850's,  there is a beautiful pool,  (don't test the water or you won't go in!)  It is quite chilly even during hot summer times.  There are trails folks can hike on, several outbuildings that were cottages, a "castle" and a log cabin folks could rent and stay in.   They have a golf course, shuffleboard, a ping pong building, a room where they make their Apple Butter (the best!) and residents were given a chance to stir it in a huge copper kettle With a huge shovel shaped paddle (rounded end to fit the kettle), They put 11 bushels of apples into each kettle they cooked. we just can't remember the total volume.  It is cooked down naturally, and spiced just enough to make it sooooo good.  They also sell 3 salad dressings, I didn't need to go past the Pearle's Piquant, to find the one I loved.  I feel bad for the other 2 flavors in that I didn't taste them.  I hurt one of their feelings. 
They also make and sell cherry and blueberry jelly, and sell the apple butter. we got some of each.
Happy memories will pop up every time we use one of the products.

The golf course side of things also had a large covered dining area, open air, HUGE stone fireplace, we had 2 meals up there, one was  evening and featured bbq'd chicken, and the weather was chilly the other was great weather, and lunch time and we can't remember the featured food.  The cherry pie was to die for, not loaded with the artificially flavored sauce, but loaded with cherries on the best pie crust made with Lard.  That meal was not too hot, nor cold, breezy but not windy.. just wonderful.

Fresh apples were always available in a special bowl someone made.. Beautiful workmanship.
They also had a bed time snack..

We played Bingo twice.. I didn't get close the first night, and the second night I won twice. Once was for 3 golf balls which I traded in for a coaster.  The other was a bag of fresh baked cookies.. They too are special..  lol, so much so we eke them out one per day.  Sadly they are all gone.  I'm hoping they are "Snicker doodles" and can get close to the same using my recipe.

Roland didn't win at all at Bingo, sort of. Those who had not won, were asked to stand up, and as they had a number that was called, they were to sit down. 

It was sooooo much fun, so great to see how others go about getting would sit down.  ,

 Roland didn't win at all at Bingo, sort of. Those who had not won, were asked to stand up, and as they had a number that was called, they were to sit down.  Roland was the last one standing for "Worst Card" He got a real nice T-shirt.

We, or at least I, had a blast seeing  their projects  come to life as they were working on them.  A terrific treat to see them completed into tops.  Some had other projects to complete also with the Button Up quilt the focal project for the Retreat., one lady had a GORGEOUS light peacock or aqua, of various light shades and she was adding a bargello border, I think it was about 18 inches high.  It was a king sized quilt, and so scrumptious when finished.  I'd love to see it in person when it is quilted.. Looked to be a prize winner to me.

The gals in general were terrific, so sweet, so helpful, so fun!  Even when I wasn't dealing with them directly, it was great to hear the conversations, and see some dancing during lunch!  Maybe next year a belly dancer could perform?  roflmho... lol lol    (shhhhh)

Food was more than plentiful, breakfast was oatmeal or 7 grain hot cereal, eggs our choice of how they were fixed, meat, ham, bacon or sausage, usually 2 or the 3 (or more than 3).  Also toast, pancakes, French toast, juice, fresh fruit (usually prunes and/or sliced bananas..
Water was the best, clean, nearly pure, nice flavor, spring fed... nice on complexion also.

Lunch was everything I can think of.  salad, (or was that supper, or both?) ladies were awake and the crowd even had the other clients watching, listening, and one lady from NC actually struck up a convo with me.  We chatted for a bit.  She was fun and so informative.  I really liked her.

Lunch was between 1 and 2.  So many dishes I can't think of any of them.  We had a mini quilt show on Tues.  a Lot of projects were shown, with some selling.. Great for them, and our eye candy was great.

Isobel, our fearless leader, had dozens of hand outs which she had solicited shops and folks who quilt, for them.  a magazine, to several patterns, to a "Belly Button Brush"  from someone.  I put it to good use..rofl, dusting my machine out.   Where in heck does the word "reindeer" or was it caribou stick in my mind come from.   Maybe we saw some along the drive.. Yeah,. I bet that was it!

We also had door Prizes, and I got the Zinger!  A 30 Fat Quarter Bundle.  Love it!   The colors are so soft.  It will make a nice quilt for us to keep.  and I'm sure a lap robe or throw or two also.  7 1/2 yards of fabric goes a long way when piecing tops.

We had a trip to the Fabric Shop, Scrappy Apple, in Winchester,  WV.  A real small shop, most of us managed to get into at once, and nice fabrics.  I managed to get some at what was probably close to wholesale.

I also had to pick up a wine and a bright green to replace the Button UP blocks I'd cut too small. The small ones will go in a quilt border or strip, etc.  Thinking wasn't the best as I was on a short term prescribed steroid med.  Hate the way it makes me feel and think drunk.

Roland was put to work, getting my Go-Go in and out of the car, or up a step that it couldn't negotiate.  They did have other entrances without the step, we found out.  Should have looked first.
He also helped a lady pin a couple quilt tops.. he loves helping, so was happy and busy.

A couple times he was a gopher.. other than for me, and helped set up the room for the quilt show.
They did a terrific job.

We slept so well, so quiet, so dark.. AND Best Of ALL there wasn't a phone, a TV or Internet in the rooms.. so rest or rest while reading was all we did, and it Was Very Restful.

The staff.. right on the ball, with smiles, and helped without taking over from me.  Of course in the lunch room or dining hall, I became known as "Speedy" and heard comments like, Here she comes, or Shes going full speed.  She can park that thing real well, it must be from practice.

I don't think I ran over anyone.. I pray not, and apologize if I did.  I hope I wasn't that inattentive.

We had milk, water, iced tea, hot tea from a variety of tea bags, most were unknown to me until then.
If anyone went away hungry, it wasn't from lack of or variety of food. 

I thought at first the meals were on the heavy side, but didn't feel that at all after I finished eating by about 5 min.  We were all kept on the go so much, and the nerves at getting projects done, so it didn't hang around, and were needed.  I'd love to go back just for a couple nights and sleep in the log cabin.

About 5 p.m. we had a snack, supper was from 6-7.  Mac and cheese is one dish I can remember.
They have an 11 o'clock p.m. curfew.  I hear some were let stay up later, but I was long gone into dream land.  Must have slept well, and didn't have jitters, as I didn't dream nor have night-mare's at all.

The folks in the kitchen and serving were very attentive to my allergy, and didn't treat me like I was asking for Swiss Cheese from the moon.  They made sure they saved a portion of the dish without the dreaded Bell Pepper, and closely related peppers.  Once they found I could handle most dishes or drinks while on the Go-Go, they let me deal with it, and I appreciated that so much.  Sometimes folks won't listen and take things right out of my hands.    I do apologize for a glass of Orange Juice that got away from me.  Still don't know what set that dribble off, but do Thank the Ladies who cleaned up for me.   A couple of the retreat ladies cleaned up after me.

I did finish one of the Microwave pot holders, and managed some other sewing.  It seems I got one other project finished, too, but hanged if I know what.   Still didn't get the facing on one blouse sewn down, nor the other that needs to be hemmed up to stop the hem from rolling up on the outside and looking less than nice.  Eventually.. I just may ask a friend, Judy D., if she will do it for me, since we barter haircuts for fabric, and so on.

We also drove up to where they have Petting Friendly Pigs, and off bread Cows.. Darn! can't remember what they called them.  Guess I will have to ask.

The check out gentleman was so nice.. I hadn't paid, and was hoping himself would do it, and he didn't, so they thought I forgot.  I didn't and had to pay.. for both of us.

DID   I    HAVE   FUN?

                                          YOU BET YOUR SWEET TOOTSIE POP, I DID.


God Blessings on all of you.

More when I can.........                   ...................             ..................................

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